Before leaving, I noticed that they have very few pickup trucks (our #1 vehicle)--they use almost exclusively baby trailers pulled behind cars. Here's a pic with both.
Had an easy flat day of just short of 8 miles. Met two pilgrims on bike who also have done the Camino (see pic)--they were from Bergen. Found the Kassner family that takes in pilgrims--nice house. I have my own room with two beds in it. Just one other pilgrim from Munich upstairs. Have chosen to have supper and tomorrow's breakfast with them. Fresh eggs from the "Chicken Mama" next door; and fresh butter and cheese from another farmer within stone's throw!
Visited their church and heard a rehearsal organ recital scheduled for tonight. Also visited the Gingerbread Museum that was once a gingerbread bakery but closed back in 1937. Great place to get insights into this trade--gingerbread baking is a dying art because it takes too long to store the prepared dough prior to baking: over a month!