Another great day: 14 miles and constant descent of about 700 ft. Felt a few raindrops—overreacted by dawning my poncho, then packed it away again in an hour!
The entire 14 miles, I spent off and on pondering that I was walking in a narrow valley where Kaisers and other noblemen, then later artists like Albrecht Dürer and Göthe, traveled when they went to Rome. It was the only way to go to Rome from the north. They all had to go through the gates of where I stayed last night!
Here are some impressions from along the way: an artistic bike path for miles on end north of Bolzano (Bozen, in German)—had a rest stop in front of the cat; an elevation scare that showed I was climbing 400 ft and down over a very short distance—it was a tunnel I went through; and thankful I wasn’t walking down on the highway where there was no shoulder and trucks barely had enough room to pass each other.