I reclaimed my "aloneness" today by leaving my group. They elected to go to a destination slightly ahead, and I felt like stopping earlier at Llanes, in fact, at the first promising place, which turned out to be an albergue (15€) that is an adjunct to a hotel. It's quite large and seems to have 8 rooms, each with about 4 double-bunks. At 8:30 PM, I'm still the only one here.
It was an easy day: 21.9 km (13.7 mi), breakfast within 30 minutes of starting, only high 70s, lots of cloud cover, and not too much climbing. Most of the route was within a kilometer of the ocean, glimpses of which appeared now and then. The coastal mountains were off to my left, as I captured in one pic.
I was settled and had my chores done by 2:00 PM, so I was able to take a two-hour nap that I hadn't had in days. Toward evening I walked into town about a half mile and looked around. I ended up getting groceries and eating here at the albergue.
Llanes is celebrating (all year) its 500-year jubilee with banners everywhere. Lof people were out and many seemed like tourists. On the bridge in the town center, I saw bows tied on that marked anniversaries--that was new for me (BTW, locks seem to be out--they get removed!).