Today’s walk of 13.1 mi (21 km) was mostly on the Austrian Camino Pilgerweg that reminded me of the real Camino—I’ve been spoiled by the Danube bicycle route that’s mainly flat and easy to walk on. Some of the trail is hardly recognizable as a trail. I was especially grateful for a rest stop with a refrigerator selling juices on the honor system—I had an Austrian product: Happy Day‘s carbonated black currant juice that was exceptionally refreshing!
Since Mauthausen is in the state of Upper-Austria, I had to cross the Danube for the first time!
Taking a rest day tomorrow to pay my respects to those who suffered so tragically at the Mauthausen Concentration Camp, dating back to 1938 when Germany annexed Austria. It’s only 2 km from my hotel that overlooks the Danube. And besides, it’s going to rain which will befittingly make it a somber day.