DAY 30 — Tuesday, Sep 26, 2023
Long day today, finishing 16 miles of the Confederation Trail at Way Marker #30 at 4:00 PM. Apparently a few other walkers behind me are competing for my cab, causing me to wait about 45 minutes. It was unbelievably cold at the start of my walk, but eventually warmed up to the low 60s. Only one other couple on bikes the whole day, and I had seen them previously.
Here are a few interesting sights:
1. Railings on the Confederation Trail because of very steep banks.
2. The extremely straight trail.
3. Fall colors.
4. Common marsh scene.
5. Canadian geese that haven’t yet flown south.
6. Bridge over an extremely deep gulley.
7. Taiwanese Buddhist Center established to grow as their new home—locally very controversial.