With nine missions behind me, my cumulative mileage stands at 345. I can honestly say, "I feel I'm into it."
Nearly all of today's 12.3 miles took me through vineyards. A Hahn vineyard irrigation inspector and I had a talk about their grapes. He clipped off a huge bunch of Grenache grapes for me to eat. With a Brix of 24, they were very sweet and had an alcohol potential of 24•0.55=13.1%--a little weak, and maybe that's why they were waiting a few more days. (See the pic.)
The drip systems aimed their precious drops of water within well-calculated reach of the roots. They glistened in the sun's rays as they dropped and I imagined them as part of an open-air symphony. Front-row seat and all at no cost. I just had to appear and agree to appreciate it--oh, did I ever.
Somewhat unsettling, perhaps even unexpected, was field after field of string beans that were dried out. I had no explanation and couldn't find one either. Regardless of the reason, it was proof that all doesn't turn out as planned.